Scientific program at the Department of Physics (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Building F, Entrance I., Floor I., Schay room):
9:40 | Opening by Dr. István Kézsmárki (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) |
Multiferroics 1 (chair: Dr. János Asbóth) |
10:00 | Dr. Stephan Krohns (University of Augsburg) Dielectric properties and electrical switching behaviour of the spin-driven multiferroics |
10:30 | Vilmos Kocsis (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Electric control of the unidirectional transmission in the ferrotoroidic LiCoPO4 |
11:00 | Markus Schiebl (Technische Universität Wien) Order-disorder type critical behaviour at the magnetoelectric phase transition in multiferroic DyMnO3 |
Lunch break
Nanophysics 1 (chair: Dr. János Asbóth) |
13:00 | Bálint Fülöp (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Ultraclean graphene sample fabrication |
13:30 | Endre Tóvári (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Electrostatic confinement in monolayer graphene |
14:00 | László Pósa (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) High-yield fabrication of nm-size gaps in monolayer CVD graphene |
14:30 | András Magyarkuti (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Probing the Binding Mechanics of Single-Molecule Junctions Using Atomic Force Spectroscopy |
Coffee break
Skyrmions (chair: Prof. László Szunyogh) |
15:30 | Dr. Sándor Bordács (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Néel-type skyrmions with ferroelectric dressing |
16:00 | Dieter Ehlers (University of Augsburg) Excitations in the Magnetic Phases of the Molecular Magnet GaV4S8 |
16:30 | Levente Rózsa (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Monte Carlo and spin dynamics simulations of magnetic phases in PdFe bilayer on Ir(111) based on ab initio calculations |
Nuclear Energy (chair: Prof. László Szunyogh) |
17:00 | Dr. István Rovni (MVM Paks II. Zrt.) Power and burn-up distribution calculations for new units at Paks NPP using Monte Carlo methods |
19:00 | Conference dinner at Kaltenberg Restaurant |