We are glad to announce the first joint workshop of PhD students in Physics at the University of Augsburg and at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The workshop will be held on the week starting at the 21st of July at the University of Augsburg.
Each participant can give an oral talk (25 minutes + 5 minutes for discussions) or a poster presentation about his/her PhD research. Besides the workshop, the scientific program will include lab visits in the Department of Experimental Physics V (University of Augsburg) and possibly a one-day-visit of the neutron facility in Garching (FRM II: Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz).
The workshop aims at providing a forum for PhD students to present their best results for a scientific community, yet in a colloquial atmosphere. Moreover, the participants can get insight into on-going research projects in the field of solid state physics, optics and biophyics and become familiar with related experimental techniques at the partner organization. On longer terms, we hope that this workshop can help to initiate a bilateral research program and graduate school.
The organizers, Prof. Alois Loidl, Dr. István Kézsmárki and Dr. Joachim Deisenhofer