István Kézsmárki’s List of Publications
1. | V Kocsis, S Bordács, D Varjas, K Penc, A Abouelsayed, C A Kuntscher, K Ohgushi, Y Tokura, I Kézsmárki
Magnetoelasticity in ACr2O4 spinel oxides (A=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu). PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 1: p. 1. Paper 1. (2013) IF: 3.691**Full document at the publisher Journal Paper/Article/Scientific ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION |
2. | Szaller Dávid, Bordács Sándor, Kézsmárki István
Symmetry conditions for nonreciprocal light propagation in magnetic crystals. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 87:(1) p. 014421. Paper 014421. (2013) IF: 3.691**, Full document at the publisher, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.014421 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific |
3. | V Kocsis, L Demkó, A H Schober, M S Bahramy, H Murakawa, J S Lee, I Kézsmárki, R Atita, N Nagaosa, Y Tokura
Relativistic effects in the magneto-optical properties of BiTeI semiconductor. In: PhD Conference of the Doctoral School for Physics: organised by the Doctoral School of Physics of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in the framework of TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0009. Budapest, Hungary, 22/06/2012. p. imeretlen. Paper imeretlen. (ISBN: 978-963-313-065-0) Conference Paper/Paper of lecture or poster/Scientific |
4. | Penc K, Romhanyi J, Room T, Nagel U, Antal A, Feher T, Janossy A, Engelkamp H, Murakawa H, Tokura Y, Szaller D, Bordacs S, Kezsmarki I
Spin-Stretching Modes in Anisotropic Magnets: Spin-Wave Excitations in the Multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 108:(25) 5 p. Paper 257203. (2012) IF: 7.370*, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.257203 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 1 Dependent (self-) citations: 1 All citations: 2 |
5. | L Demko, S Bordacs, T Vojta, D Nozadze, F Hrahsheh, C Svoboda, B Dora, H Yamada, M Kawasaki, Y Tokura, I Kezsmarki
Disorder promotes ferromagnetism: Rounding of the quantum phase transition in Sr_{1-x}Ca_xRuO_3. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 108:(18) pp. 185701-185705. (2012) IF: 7.370*, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.185701 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific |
6. | Hutanu V, Sazonov A, Meven M, Murakawa H, Tokura Y, Bordács S, Kézsmárki I, Náfrádi B
Determination of the magnetic order and the crystal symmetry in the multiferroic ground state of Ba2CoGe2O7. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 86:(10) 6 p. Paper 104401. (2012) IF: 3.691*, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.104401 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific |
7. | Demko L, Schober GAH, Kocsis V, Bahramy MS, Murakawa H, Lee JS, Kezsmarki I, Arita R, Nagaosa N, Tokura Y
Enhanced Infrared Magneto-Optical Response of the Nonmagnetic Semiconductor BiTeI Driven by Bulk Rashba Splitting. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 109:(15) Paper 167401. (2012) IF: 7.370*, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.167401 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific |
8. | Bordacs S, Kezsmarki I, Szaller D, Demko L, Kida N, Murakawa H, Onose Y, Shimano R, Room T, Nagel U, Miyahara S, Furukawa N, Tokura Y
Chirality of matter shows up via spin excitations. NATURE PHYSICS 8:(10) pp. 734-738. (2012) IF: 18.967*, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2387 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 1 All citations: 1 |
9. | A Butykai, A Orban, V Kocsis, D Szaller, S Bordacs, E Tatrai-Szekeres, L F Kiss, A Bota, B G Vertessy, T Zelles, I Kezsmarki
Malaria pigment crystals as magnetic micro-rotors: key for high-sensitivity diagnosis. (2012) Further works/Data base/Scientific |
10. | Kezsmarki I, Kida N, Murakawa H, Bordacs S, Onose Y, Tokura Y
Enhanced Directional Dichroism of Terahertz Light in Resonance with Magnetic Excitations of the Multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7 Oxide Compound. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 106:(5) pp. 057403-1-057403-4. Paper 057403. (2011) IF: 7.370, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.057403 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 7 Dependent (self-) citations: 7 All citations: 14 |
11. | Demko L, Kezsmarki I, Csontos M, Bordacs S, Mihaly G
Improved thermal relaxation method for the simultaneous measurement of the specific heat and thermal conductivity. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B – CONDENSED MATTER 74:(1) pp. 27-33. (2010) IF: 1.575, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2010-00055-0 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific |
12. | Bordacs S, Kezsmarki I, Ohgushi K, Tokura Y
Experimental band structure of the nearly half-metallic CuCr2Se4: an optical and magneto-optical study. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 12: p. 053039. (2010) IF: 3.849, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/12/5/053039 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 5 All citations: 5 |
13. | Kézsmárki István
Magneto-optikai spektroszkópia a modern szilárdtestkutatásban – avagy a látható mágnesség. MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY 170:(7) pp. 866-872. (2009) Links to data bases: Matarka linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific |
14. | Iguchi S, Kumakura S, Onose Y, Bordacs S, Kezsmarki I, Nagaosa N, Tokura Y
Optical Probe for Anomalous Hall Resonance in Ferromagnets with Spin. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 103:(26) p. 267206. (2009) IF: 7.328, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.267206 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Dependent (self-) citations: 4 All citations: 4 |
15. | Bordacs S, Varjas D, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G, Baldassarre L, Abouelsayed A, Kuntscher CA, Ohgushi K, Tokura Y
Magnetic-Order-Induced Crystal Symmetry Lowering in ACr(2)O(4)Ferrimagnetic Spinels. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 103:(7) pp. 077205-077209. Paper 077205. (2009) IF: 7.328, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.077205 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 10 All citations: 10 |
16. | Mihaly G, Csontos M, Bordacs S, Kezsmarki I, Wojtowicz T, Liu X, Janko B, Furdyna JK
Anomalous Hall effect in (In,Mn)Sb dilute magnetic semiconductor. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100:(10) pp. 107201-107205. Paper 107201. (2008) IF: 7.180, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, Full document at the publisher, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.107201 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 16 Dependent (self-) citations: 2 All citations: 18 |
17. | Kezsmarki I, Tomioka Y, Miyasaka S, Demko L, Okimoto Y, Tokura Y
Optical phase diagram of perovskite colossal magnetoresistance manganites near half doping. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 77:(7) p. 075117. (2008) IF: 3.322, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.075117 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 7 Dependent (self-) citations: 1 All citations: 8 |
18. | Kezsmarki I, Bordacs S
An alternative of spectroscopic ellipsometry: The double-reference method. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 92:(13) p. 131104. (2008) IF: 3.726, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1063/1.2904623 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific |
19. | Hosaka N, Yamada H, Shimada Y, Fujioka J, Bordacs S, Kezsmarki I, Kawasaki M, Tokura Y
Magneto-Optical Characterization on the Ferromagnetic-Paramagnetic Transitions in the Composition-Spread Epitaxial Film of Sr1-xCaxRuO3. APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 1:(11) p. 113001. (2008) WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1143/APEX.1.113001 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 1 Dependent (self-) citations: 2 All citations: 3 |
20. | Hanasaki N, Sano K, Onose Y, Ohtsuka T, Iguchi S, Kezsmarki I, Miyasaka S, Onoda S, Nagaosa N, Tokura Y
Anomalous nernst effects in pyrochlore molybdates with spin chirality. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100:(10) p. 106601. (2008) IF: 7.180, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.106601 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 8 All citations: 8 |
21. | Demko L, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G, Takeshita N, Tomioka Y, Tokura Y
Multicritical end point of the first-order ferromagnetic transition in colossal magnetoresistive manganites. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101:(3) 4 p. Paper 037206. (2008) IF: 7.180, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, Full document at the publisher, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.037206 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 19 Dependent (self-) citations: 1 All citations: 20 |
22. | Okimoto Y, Matsuzaki H, Tomioka Y, Kezsmarki I, Ogasawara T, Matsubara M, Okamoto H, Tokura Y
Ultrafast photoinduced formation of metallic state in a perovskite-type manganite with short range charge and orbital order. JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 76:(4) p. 043701. (2007) IF: 2.212, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.76.043702 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 8 Dependent (self-) citations: 13 All citations: 21 |
23. | Kezsmarki I, Gaal R, Homes CC, Sipos B, Berger H, Bordacs S, Mihaly G, Forro L
High-pressure infrared spectroscopy.: Tuning of the low-energy excitations in correlated electron systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 76:(20) Paper 205114. (2007) IF: 3.172, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, Full document at the publisher, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.205114 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific Dependent (self-) citations: 3 All citations: 3 |
24. | Hanasaki N, Watanabe K, Ohtsuka T, Kezsmarki I, Iguchi S, Miyasaka S, Tokura Y
Nature of the transition between a ferromagnetic metal and a spin-glass insulator in pyrochlore molybdates. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 99:(8) p. 086401. (2007) IF: 6.944, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.086401 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 17 Dependent (self-) citations: 5 All citations: 22 |
25. | Fazekas P, Penc K, Radnoczi K, Barisic N, Berger H, Forro L, Mitrovic S, Gauzzi A, Demko L, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G
The electronic structure and the phases of BaVS3. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 310:(2) pp. 928-934. (2007) IF: 1.704, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.10.145 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific 17th International Conference on Magnetism (ICM 2006). AUG 20-25, 2006. Kyoto, JAPAN. Part 1 Independent citations: 3 Dependent (self-) citations: 1 All citations: 4 |
26. | Fazekas P, Barisic N, Kezsmarki I, Demko L, Berger H, Forro L, Mihaly G
Magnetic-field-induced transition in BaVS3. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 75:(3) 5 p. Paper 35128. (2007) IF: 3.172, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.035128 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 2 Dependent (self-) citations: 1 All citations: 3 |
27. | Barisic N, Kezsmarki I, Fazekas P, Mihaly G, Berger H, Demko L, Forro L
Quantum critical phase in BaVS3. arXiv:cond-mat/0602262 (2007) Further works/Paper in a web page/Scientific Independent citations: 2 All citations: 2 |
28. | Kezsmarki I, Hanasaki N, Watanabe K, Iguchi S, Taguchi Y, Miyasaka S, Tokura Y
Variation of the charge dynamics in bandwidth- and filling-controlled metal-insulator transitions of pyrochlore-type molybdates. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 73:(12) p. 125122. (2006) IF: 3.107, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.125122 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 6 Dependent (self-) citations: 3 All citations: 9 |
29. | Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G, Gaal R, Barisic N, Akrap A, Berger H, Forro L, Homes CC, Mihaly L
Separation of orbital contributions to the optical conductivity of BaVS3. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 96:(18) pp. 186402-186406. Paper 186402. (2006) IF: 7.072, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.186402 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 10 Dependent (self-) citations: 6 All citations: 16 |
30. | Kezsmarki I, Shimizu Y, Mihaly G, Tokura Y, Kanoda K, Saito G
Depressed charge gap in the triangular-lattice Mott insulator kappa-(ET)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3). PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 74:(20) pp. 201101-201105. Paper 201101. (2006) IF: 3.107, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.201101 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 17 Dependent (self-) citations: 3 All citations: 20 |
31. | Hanasaki N, Kinuhara M, Kezsmarki I, Iguchi S, Miyasaka S, Takeshita N, Terakura C, Takagi H, Tokura Y
Mott-Anderson transition controlled by a magnetic field in pyrochlore molybdate. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 96:(11) p. 116403. (2006) IF: 7.072, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.116403 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 9 Dependent (self-) citations: 5 All citations: 14 |
32. | Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G, Gaal R, Barisic N, Berger H, Forro L, Homes CC, Mihaly L
Pressure-induced suppression of the spin-gapped insulator phase in BaVS3: An infrared optical study. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 71:(19) Paper 193103. (2005) IF: 3.185, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.193103 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 6 Dependent (self-) citations: 4 All citations: 10 |
33. | Kezsmarki I, Onoda S, Taguchi Y, Ogasawara T, Matsubara M, Iguchi S, Hanasaki N, Nagaosa N, Tokura Y
Magneto-optical effect induced by spin chirality of the itinerant ferromagnet Nd2Mo2O7. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 72:(9) p. 094427. (2005) IF: 3.185, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.094427 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 2 Dependent (self-) citations: 6 All citations: 8 |
34. | Kezsmarki I, Hanasaki N, Hashimoto D, Iguchi S, Taguchi Y, Miyasaka S, Tokura Y
Charge dynamics near the electron-correlation induced metal-insulator transition in pyrochlore-type molybdates. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 93:(26) p. 266401. (2004) IF: 7.218, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.266401 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 18 Dependent (self-) citations: 7 All citations: 25 |
35. | Popovic ZV, Mihaly G, Kezsmarki I, Berger H, Forro L, Moshchalkov VV
Phonon and spin dynamics in BaVS3 single crystals. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 65:(13) Paper 132301. (2002) IF: 3.327, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.132301 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 4 Dependent (self-) citations: 3 All citations: 7 |
36. | Fazekas P, Penc K, Berger H, Forro L, Csonka S, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G
BaVS3: from spin gap insulator to non-Fermi-liquid. PHYSICA B – CONDENSED MATTER 312: pp. 694-695. (2002) IF: 0.609, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1016/S0921-4526(01)01498-3 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 01) AUG 06-10, 2001 Ann Arbor, MI Independent citations: 4 Dependent (self-) citations: 1 All citations: 5 |
37. | Barisic N, Gaal R, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G, Forro L
Pressure dependence of the thermoelectric power of single-walled carbon nanotubes. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 65:(24) Paper 241403. (2002) IF: 3.327, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.241403 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 9 Dependent (self-) citations: 2 All citations: 11 |
38. | Balogh J, Kiss LF, Halbritter A, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G
Magnetoresistance of Ag/Fe/Ag and Cr/Fe/Cr trilayers. SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 122:(1-2) pp. 59-63. (2002) IF: 1.671, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1016/S0038-1098(02)00198-9 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific PII S0038-1098(02)00059-5 Independent citations: 5 Dependent (self-) citations: 2 All citations: 7 |
39. | Balogh J, Vincze I, Kaptas D, Kemeny T, Pusztai T, Kiss LF, Szilagyi E, Zolnai Z, Kezsmarki I, Halbritter A, Mihaly G
Interface magnetoresistance of Fe/Ag multilayers. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A – APPLIED RESEARCH 189:(3) pp. 621-624. (2002) IF: 0.979, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1002/1521-396X(200202)189:3<621::AID-PSSA621>3.0.CO;2-V Journal Paper/Article/Scientific 1st Seeheim Conference on Magnetism (SCM2001), SEP 09-13, 2001, Seeheim, GERMANY Independent citations: 1 Dependent (self-) citations: 1 All citations: 2 |
40. | Zamborszky F, Kezsmarki I, Montgomery LK, Mihaly G
Pressure induced crossover in the electronic states of (TMTTF)(2)Br. FERROELECTRICS 249:(1) pp. 57-62. (2001) IF: 0.471, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1080/00150190108214966 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific 4th International Conference on Low Energy Electrodynamics in Solids, JUN 21-25, 1999 Pécs, HUNGARY |
41. | Mihaly G, Zamborszky F, Kezsmarki I, Forro L
Dimensional crossover, electronic confinement and charge localization in organic metals. In: Bonca J, Prelovsek P, Ramsak A, Sarkar S (ed.) Conference Paper/Paper of lecture or poster/Scientific |
42. | Kezsmarki I, Csonka S, Berger H, Forro L, Fazekas P, Mihaly G
Pressure dependence of the spin gap in BaVS3. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 63:(8) Paper 081106. (2001) IF: 3.070, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.63.081106 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 10 Dependent (self-) citations: 8 All citations: 18 |
43. | Fazekas P, Berger H, Forro L, Gaal R, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G, Miljak M, Penc K, Zamborszky F
Non-magnetic Mott insulating phase and anomalous conducting state in barium vanadium trisulphide. In: Bonca J, Prelovsek P, Ramsak A, Sarkar S (ed.) Conference Paper/Paper of lecture or poster/Scientific |
44. | Balogh J, Gabor A, Kaptas D, Kiss LF, Csontos M, Halbritter A, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G
Giant magnetoresistance of a single interface.: Magnetoresistance of Ag/Fe/Ag trilayers. In: Chandrasekhar V, van Haesendonck C , Zawadowski A (ed.) Conference Paper/Paper of lecture or poster/Scientific |
45. | Mihaly G, Kezsmarki I, Zamborszky F, Miljak M, Penc K, Fazekas P, Berger H, Forro L
Orbitally driven spin pairing in the three-dimensional nonmagnetic Mott insulator BaVS3.: Evidence from single-crystal studies. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 61:(12) pp. R7831-R7834. (2000) IF: 3.065, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.61.R7831 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 30 Dependent (self-) citations: 24 All citations: 54 |
46. | Mihaly G, Kezsmarki I, Zamborszky F, Forro L
Hall effect and conduction anisotropy in the organic conductor (tmtsf)(2)pf6. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 84:(12) pp. 2670-2673. (2000) IF: 6.462, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.2670 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 50 Dependent (self-) citations: 1 All citations: 51 |
47. | Forro L, Gaal R, Berger H, Fazekas P, Penc K, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G
Pressure induced quantum critical point and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in BaVS3. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 85:(9) pp. 1938-1941. (2000) IF: 6.462, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.1938 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 26 Dependent (self-) citations: 14 All citations: 40 |
48. | Kriza G, Szeghy G, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G
Power law field dependence of the 2D magnetoresistance in (tmtsf)(2)pf6. JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV. PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 9:(PR10) pp. 235-238. (1999) WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1051/jp4:19991059 Journal Paper/Proceedings paper/Scientific International Workshop on Electronic Crystals (ECRYS-99). MAY 31-JUN 05, 1999. La Colle-sur-Loup, FRANCE. |
49. | Kriza G, Szeghy G, Kezsmarki I, Mihaly G
Field scaling and exponential temperature dependence of the magnetoresistance in (tmtsf)(2)pf6. PHYSICAL REVIEW B – CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS 60:(12) pp. R8434-R8437. (1999) IF: 3.008, WoS link, Scopus link, Full document, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.R8434 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific Independent citations: 6 Dependent (self-) citations: 1 All citations: 7 |
50. | Kezsmarki I, Zamborszky F, Montgomery LK, Mihaly G
Conduction anisotropy of the Bechgaard salts. JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV. PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 9:(PR10) pp. 263-264. (1999) IF: 0.381, WoS link, Scopus link, DOI: 10.1051/jp4:19991066 Links to data bases: Google scholar link, Google scholar hash linkJournal Paper/Article/Scientific |